Election Predictions: Trump’s Altercation with Cameraman, History of Hiring Prostitutes, Power Party, & Clinton’s Next Four Years in Office

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PNN Election Predictions

Trump’s Assault Tape & Altercation With Cameraman

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump

Trump will claim he’s been assaulted by a cameraman when he gets bumped by a camera. His story will attempt to deflect from a  videotape featuring Trump attempting to assault a female celebrity.

In this round of Election Predictions, I see the media releasing an actual videotape of Trump attempting to sexually assault a well-known woman. Trump will get hit by a video camera and complain that this is another example of media harassment.

Trump Allegations: Drug Binges, Topless Bars, & Hiring of Prostitutes

Trump will soon be facing allegations of child molestation, hiring of prostitutes, and verbal abuse, all of which will be published in the news before November 8th. “I have been targeted in this campaign from Day One”, he will say. The child molestation charges will affect some voters, but core supporters will believe he’s being targeted by the liberal media. An inside source will leak to the media that Trump paid Ivana off in the past to prevent her from talking about his verbally abusive behaviour. Owners of topless nightclubs will reveal a cocaine habit. Trump’s heart is not doing well because of his drug use. Drugs are enticing to Trump because they make him feel young and strong.  Aging is hard for Trump, and drugs give him an illusion of youth. Hackers will soon release Trump’s medical information, including drug tests.

Trump Tax Returns Released Online

Adding to these impending scandals is that someone, possibly Wikileaks, will release some of Trump’s tax returns online. Many of these returns will reveal questionable business practises and conflicts of interest with China and Russia.

The stock market will fall* for a matter of just days, but it will be long enough for Trump’s polls to rise, giving him a temporary boost and making the elections closer. Media scandal attention shifts back to Clinton the week before the election. There will be an “October Surprise” revealed on Halloween, and it will be a veritable horror show for both campaigns. Financial scandals will plague both Clinton and Trump in different ways during the next two weeks.

Trump’s Illegal Business Dealings

There will be more videotapes from television shows where Trump is making derogatory remarks. Some will be misogynistic, but others, to be released right before Elections Day, will feature evidence of his illegal business dealings.

Clinton Financial Scandal

Clinton will soon deal with a financial scandal when Russian hackers release transcripts and audio clips of conversations involving the Clintons discussing their financial sources and expenditures.

Jon Stewart’s Big Comeback


Jon Stewart returns to television in a format similar to The Daily Show. This time his platform will include an educational and historical component that will also appeal to much younger audiences, while still remaining  entertaining and insightful enough to entice his former followers. Right before the general elections, look for Stewart to release a Public Service Announcement where he will ask voters to make responsible and reasonable–rather than reckless and regrettable–choices.

Electoral Map Prediction Updates

More people will be voting for third party candidates than expected. Clinton still wins the election. It looks like there will be a tie in Florida and a close race in Nevada. North Carolina and Ohio will be close enough that they could nearly flip to blue, but I find it hard to see. Pennsylvania still ends up being blue, but is exceedingly close. Utah is more blue than expected, but still red overall. There will be more votes for Mcmullin and Trump than for Clinton in Utah.

After losing the election, Trump says he’s starting his own party for his supporters, calling it something like “The Power Party” or “The People’s Power Party”. This party will mainly be marketed to older men who want to feel young and strong.

GOP Will Lose the Senate

Democrats will gain control of the Senate. Republicans continue to control the House. Bernie Sanders will play a key role in pushing forward a progressive economic platform during the next administration.

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders will develop a mega charity with some help and support from his wife Jane

Sanders’ Next Steps

Sanders will start his own private organisation, aiming to raise money online for causes that the people want, but where the government remains stalled. Sanders’ organisation will be a mega charity, somewhat in the structure of Bill Gates’ foundation.

The Next Four Years: Clinton’s Accomplishments

Clinton will increase access to affordable health care and create centres for children’s rights. Many Syrian refugees will be granted asylum and most will settle in New York. Four years from now, the government will pass an Expansion of Education Act and a Community College Act. Preschool will become a public requirement for all children. There will be programmes for teaching sustainable living at public schools. I also see a movement toward cleaner agriculture, increased regulation of pesticides, and some actions taken to slow the effects of climate change. 

The Next Four Years: Challenges for Clinton

Crime gets worse before it gets better in the United States, particularly in cases involving gun-related incidents. Criminal justice reform will be a stagnant and often disappointing process. 


Hillary Clinton will take her oath as 45th President of the United States on January 20th, 2017

While there will be some tax breaks for the middle class and those who are impoverished, the changes are slow and incremental due to Republican blocks on Democratic proposals for tax increases on the wealthy. There will continue to be a significant economic disparity over the next four years. Clinton’s popularity will be up and down. Her lower approval ratings will be in the 30s, and her average approval ratings will be in the 40s. Check back for approval highs. She will work very hard and will try to improve circumstances for as many people as possible, but her efforts will be largely undervalued. Clinton’s work will be more appreciated in retrospect than in her own time.

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*Please consult with your stock broker and/or financial advisor regarding all financial decisions.


  1. “Trump will soon be facing allegations of child molestation, hiring of prostitutes, and verbal abuse, all of which will be published in the news before November 8th”


  2. “Adding to these impending scandals is that someone, possibly Wikileaks, will release some of Trump’s tax returns online. Many of these returns will reveal questionable business practises and conflicts of interest with China and Russia.”

    Right again! Trumps taxes and loopholes in the news 10/31/16. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/01/us/politics/donald-trump-tax.html?ribbon-ad-idx=3&src=trending&module=Ribbon&version=context&region=Header&action=click&contentCollection=Trending&pgtype=article

  3. Nathan Fleischman on October 31, 2016 at 6:50 pm said:

    “Adding to these impending scandals is that someone, possibly Wikileaks, will release some of Trump’s tax returns online.” This has come true. Here is proof: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/01/us/politics/donald-trump-tax.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

  4. Nathan Fleischman on October 29, 2016 at 7:13 pm said:

    What FBI Director James Comey did yesterday has blown up in his face. Here is proof: http://www.politicususa.com/2016/10/29/senate-democrats-drop-hammer-show-fbi-director-comey-playing.html

    What do you think?

  5. Nathan Fleischman on October 28, 2016 at 4:21 pm said:

    “Media scandal attention shifts back to Clinton the week before the election. There will be an “October Surprise” revealed on Halloween, and it will be a veritable horror show for both campaigns.” This is definitely right. Look what has happened today. However, the scandal is a fraud. Here is proof: http://www.politicususa.com/2016/10/28/doj-complaint-filed-fbi-director-james-comey-interfering-presidential-election.html

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