
Hypnotherapy Specialties

*Weight loss

*Body image

*Pre-surgery and post-surgery hypnosis


*Chronic pain


*Breaking habits


*Assertiveness and confidence

*Death and Loss




*Exam, audition, and interview anxiety

*Stage fright

*Writer’s block

*Memory improvement

*Career success


*EFT Tapping Available

Hypnotherapy Sessions

Hypnosis changes lives. It shifts our natural thinking patterns so we seek out and accept more positive and enriching experiences in our lives. For questions and answers about past life regressions, please feel free to read my 2015 interview with Priekavos Magazine.

When considering where to go for a session, are there any advantages to getting hypnosis through a Los Angeles-based practitioner?


First of all, Los Angeles is home to one of my alma maters, the first and oldest nationally accredited college of hypnotherapy, Hypnosis Motivation Institute, located in Tarzana, CA. The presence of this well-established institute of 40 years makes for a large group of extensively trained local hypnotherapists. There is also a significant Los Angeles community interested in personal change, as evidenced by the many nearby spiritual bookstores as well as spiritual conventions, such as Conscious Life Expo.

No matter where you’re looking for a hypnotist, be sure to check for credentials. Where did s(he) receive their credentials? Does she have a C.Ht (Certified Hypnotherapist credential) or C.CHt (Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist credential)? How long was she required to attend classes? Basic short-term courses are offered online for “hypnosis certification”, but are not able to be thorough due to time constraints and do not prepare a hypnotist for every issue that could arise with a client.

What techniques does she use? Is she trained in Ericksonian hypnotherapy and/or another method? You might want to ask her if she has ongoing training, and how many clients she sees. For instance, I regularly attend clinical hypnotherapy case conferences which are guided by teachers who are also practising hypnotherapists.

Also, be sure that the hypnotherapist you choose offers techniques beyond guided meditation. There is a difference between guided meditation and hypnotherapy. Guided meditation can offer relaxation and short-term benefits, but hypnosis techniques aim to create automatic, long-lasting, or even permanent change that is specific to the areas of your life that you seek to change.

May you find all you want in the changes you seek in life with the help of hypnosis (or through whatever methods may work for you!), whether it’s in Los Angeles or anywhere in the world.

Kyra Oser, M.A., C.CHt

Ph.D. Candidate

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Psychic Medium Kyra Oser

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