Host of KKNW Radio’s America’s Love Channel Kyra Oser offers upcoming trends such as gender neutral clothing and back-to-nature trends so you can discover which pieces of your wardrobe you might want to hold onto as they come back in style.
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Est. 2010
Fashion Predictions 2016

Two strong movements in upcoming fashion to watch for: 1) a return to tradition with three piece suits on the one hand and exaggerated femininity on the other, and 2) gender neutral clothing that allows for an even greater and more creative expression of one’s individuality
In more updates on fashion predictions 2016, juniors and youth-oriented clothing will become less sexualised and more intellectualised, especially by fall. Preppy, academic looks means less visibility of undergarments and more accessories around the face and hair, such as glasses and elaborate hairstyles. Accessories will play a big part in completing an outfit. Companies such as Jacobs The Jeweller know the importance of jewellery when it comes to creating a look. It’s all about experimenting and seeing what works for you and what doesn’t. Why around the face and hair? Probably because they’re closest to the brain! Computers are simulated brains created by human brains. We do use computers more than ever before. The transition to a more visually-oriented and creatively-driven culture makes it necessary to stand out from the rest by promoting one’s public image through media, and clothing is one way to leave more of a memorable impression on potential clients and co-workers. Some people have suggested that the trends in Western Wear are going to increase and become more popular among your well known fashion brands.

Computer ties and other accessories reminiscent of information technology will become somewhat more common, although one even bigger back to nature trend occurs simultaneously with computer clothing.

3 piece suits and ties become more popular for women. Yes, this happened to a certain extent with 80s career outfits, but this time, the clothing will not be as differentiated from menswear, other than being fitted for a women of various sizes. There also won’t be the shoulder pads and bright colors as much as there will be more neutral, earthy tones as well as black, navy blue, and white suit options.
Gender Neutral Clothing
This decade in fashion carries a theme of capturing and utilising information. Computers don’t have genders and as we merge our lives more and more with information-based technology, clothing will reflect the gender of the wearer less and less. Hybrid outfits with a blend of both traditional masculine and feminine wear will become popular. Before these sweeping gender-neutral fashion changes, women’s clothing will often appear to be even more traditionally “feminine”. There will be more shoppes featuring gender neutral clothing for men and women that will be offered in a variety of sizes.
Eco-Friendly Clothing

Organic, recyclable clothing with accessories borrowed from multiple cultures will become popular soon.
The next decade (2030’s) will be about seeking and finding what is beyond the mind, and many religious movements will soon be seen that rise to prominence by the late 2020’s-early 2030’s.

Back to Nature clothing made of artificial foliage and flowers becomes popular 4-5 years from now, although you’ll see foliage and flowers worn more and more as accessories, especially in the hair, in 2016. The meanings behind the flowers, similar to wearing crystals, will set an intention in fashion for wearing things that are closely connected to nature and that have a substantial message. Fashion statements may have never been so bold as what we’re about to see.
In fact, eco-friendly, recyclable, or even biodegradable clothing will become very popular in the next 4-5 years. So some consumers will want to embrace the future while others are more interested in returning to the past before we had much clothing available.
History will re-repeat itself by bringing back more 1920’s-1930’s clothing, both for men and women, although it is first marketed to women before many men follow suit (and there will be suits)! In fact, expect a comeback of the three-piece suit, even outside of work, as many feel their credibility and notoriety can be enhanced in both relationships and career if they are well-dressed. As freelance work becomes even more common, many are finding a unique yet professional look that commands respect and gives them an edge over the competition. Due to a decrease in job security and availability along with an increase on freelance work since the recession in 2008, competition is high so every area that can improve one’s ability to make a lasting impression, even if it comes down to a signature silk scarf, will be explored.

Accessories: Modest, professional, gender-neutral outfits with signature items such as small silk scarves by Victoria Ragna and thickly-rimmmed glasses will be featured in fashion this fall. Uniqueness will be celebrated in fashion as we move further away from an overall trend of 20th-century prevailing conformist identity and develop a more varied 21st-century fashion movement that celebrates how each of us has something meaningful to bring to the world.
Matching Three Piece Suits for All Genders
In fact, expect a comeback of the three-piece suit, even outside of work, as many feel their credibility and notoriety can be enhanced in both relationships and career if they are well-dressed. As freelance work becomes even more common, many are finding a unique yet professional look that commands respect and gives them an edge over the competition. Due to a decrease in job security and availability since the recession in 2008, competition is high so every area that can improve one’s business revenue, even if it comes down to a signature silk scarf, will be explored. Uniqueness will be celebrated in fashion as we move further away from an overall trend of a 20th-century conformist identity and develop a more varied 21st-century fashion movement. At the same time, tribal communal living is becoming more popular and there will also be a rise of religious cults, which means that uniforms will still be worn by some and may even appear in some instances to be to be a reaction against the embracing of one’s individuality through fashion.
Back to Nature Nudists

Matching suits for men and women in herringbone, tweed, and wool will become popular later this year.
We’re seeing two opposite movements developing in fashion: one is about covering up with layers, and the other is just uncovering. As society embraces all body types in a more tolerant and less judgmental way, Back to Nature advocates will protest for nudity rights. The Back to Nature crowd sports the most minimalist outfits possible, and very economical, too! How cheap it is to be naked. But not “cheap” in that way; most of the Neo-Nudists won’t be promoting nudity rights in public for sexual reasons. It has more to do with freedom of expression and self-acceptance, a literal shedding of old traditions and an opportunity to honour ancient ways of life, especially as more and more archaeologists are discovering new information about the way our ancestors lived. Of course there will be the occasional voyeur who is out to observe more than participate in the movement, but those will be rare. Eventually the nudists win their rights in court, but only for designated areas. Society might not be ready yet for waiting in line naked at Starbucks or the DMV.
For more on gender neutral clothing and fashions of the future, please follow me on Pinterest:
Follow Hypnotherapy and Psychic Readings by Kyra Oser’s board Future Fashion on Pinterest.
To Listen Live on the radio for more predictions 2016, check out KKNW 1150 am Seattle’s America’s Love Channel, hosted by Psychic Kyra Oser and global psychic correspondents. Fridays @ 1 pm PST/4 pm EST in Seattle, Vancouver, and online worldwide. Call on #freereadingfridays for predictions about your own future!
Less visibility of undergarments would be nice. Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I don’t understand the appeal of deliberately letting one’s bra straps show.