Kyra Oser, Los Angeles Psychic, Predicts 2016 Depression and More.
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Psychic Predicts 2016 Depression
Celebrity Los Angeles Psychic Kyra Oser is currently Host of America’s Love Channel on KKNW and has given accurate psychic readings as Host of 5 seasons on CBS Radio’s Zodiac Girls featuring celebrity interview, Host of The Luv Channel and CBS Radio’s Zodiac Divas with actor Butch Patrick, and Co-Host of The Astrologer’s Daughter on KKNW. Kyra’s interviews have been featured on Wetv, Alpha TV, Kababayan L.A., Tailgating with Kato Kaelin, and more, and she is featured in numerous radio show interviews, podcasts, and magazine articles throughout the world. She is also a Certified Hypnotherapist and graduate of Hypnosis Motivation Institute. Kyra’s psychic predictions for 2016 will be fascinating for anyone interested in business, economics, and global news. Read further to see what’s in store for us in 2016.
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The early January crash that I predicted last November is the result of 1) an aftershock of last year’s crash in Asia and 2) the aftereffects of last year’s crash which are more visible now due to the decrease in sales that come right after the season of holiday shopping, which is why this occurred right after New Year’s.
Today opens to an even bigger loss in the stock market. The impending second wave of crash that is occurring in January will continue to decline throughout the month and hits the real estate market by February, causing a housing crash by February 13th that will be more noticeable in the news by February 15th. In some parts of the world, this housing crash is more significant than in the recession of 2008-2009. As soon as the market goes back up, many people in the U.S. will be selling houses, which will flood the market and cause the price of houses to go down due to emerging competition. Banking issues feature prominently by March but do not come to light until the summer.
US Stock Market: The market goes down and down in January, then on January 27th it looks like it’s spiking up, but will crash again in February in an even bigger way. This housing crash is not as impactful in the US as in other parts of the world. This impending depression brings the gap between rich and poor into public focus even more. After the middle of February, people feel in the hole. March is the same as the last part of February, not recovered, but seems to be stabilising. Dow goes down to 15,000 in 3 weeks, 14,000 in February, coming back up in March, but then around 13,000 in April (not sure), and eventually to 11,000 by June. Oil prices will be spiking up and down.
More hard hit will be Eastern Europe and South America.
China causes all this. China is usurping funds, people benefiting Chinese market before the crash are being brought up on corruption charges, their money is confiscated by the Chinese Government claiming that they were profiteering. The Chinese government is pumping money back into the market. The Chinese stock market will be shut down for 2-3 days. This will be called “Stock Shock” by the media. When the Chinese shuts down the exchange it doesn’t stabilise the market and it causes the values of many stocks go down. The Chinese government notices this and sells stocks before they release information publicly that these stocks are about to lose value, so in essence, the government is doing insider trading.
The media will say this is a depression, yet the US and Canada are not as affected as many other countries. Yes, it was initially surmised in ’08-’09 that a depression was occurring and this was later updated to “recession”, but this time it’s different-the title will stick in future history books because of the duration and severity of this global economic setback.
There will be a respite from financial issues by November, just in time for elections. Economists will say it’s the biggest depression since 1929. It will take two years before this gets better. Summer 2018 we are getting closer to where we were before the crash of 2015. A panic with the banks this summer temporarily causes electronic transmission and internet issues. The banks are being seen as being overloaded, in the summer you call in, and there is just a recording message saying: “We are unable to process your call at this time. Please try again later.” Wells Fargo and Bank of America face major problems. The banks will recover but will have to collect FDIC insurance.
Unemployment in the US: goes up to 12 percent this summer. Media corporations will underplay this statistic.
Obama’s approval ratings drop to about 30-35 percent, but go back up to about 50 percent before the end of his term. This changes when money is pumped into the American market in the Fall, amazingly by many of the same investors in this year’s election. What a coincidence!
There will be a turnaround in the economy in 2017, perhaps not for the reasons you would want to hear. There will be a worldwide conflict similar to World War II. But don’t despair, the economy will start to pick back up by this time, even though it’s not fully recovered. Jobs for youth programmes are also starting to bolster the US economy in 2017.
Global Business
International Currency is being spoken of, and there will be experiments with adopting it in as soon as three years from now. By 2019, an international currency is becoming reality and will become non-physical and will generated through energy transmission that looks like golden bursts of electricity on a molecular level and will be called “capita”, short for “capital transmission”.
There will be a noticeable rise of charities being integrated with businesses as well as non-denominational charity-based organizations.
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Hi, here from bing, me enjoyng this, i will come back again.
Kyra i gollow your work. You are amaxing. I have some legal issues can you help me? Shontez
Dear Kyra, I would like to continue receiving your predictions. Thank you, Mike Smith
your insights into the future have been very helpful to me, i would recommend you to my family and friends
anthony f
Do u think Clinton will be our new president and will president Obama will he indore her
Dear Mike, Thank you for reading my blog and for being supportive. Best, Kyra
Dear Kyra, Thank you for allowing me receive your predictions ( political, stock-market and real estate, and travel advisories ). Your valuable insights into the year 2016 are greatly appreciated. Thank you again.
Mike Smith